Articles by Mirror's Edge Photography

Why SMILES matter in your Boudoir Photography Session

Why SMILES matter in your Boudoir Photography Session

Smiling in Boudoir Photography???  YES!  And here's why...

When you come in for your Boudoir Photography Session, you're going to get posing instruction from head to toe, and part of that is helping you tap into a range of emotions for each pose (that means you never have to worry about not being able to make the "sexy face").  One of the expressions that we go over in detail is how to "smile"!  Many of my clients question the idea of a...

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Trusting the Process - What does that mean and how do I do it for my Boudoir Session?

Trusting the Process - What does that mean and how do I do it for my Boudoir Session?

"Trust the Process" - It sounds easy enough, right?  But what does it really mean and how do you actually do it?

When it comes to booking your Boudoir Session, for most of you it's going to be a step outside of your comfort zone.  I completely understand that, and everything that I do from booking to delivering your amazing images is designed to make this process as easy, affirming, inspirational and fun as possible.  In order to do this, I only really ask one thing...

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"I've Never Felt Truly Beautiful Before" - How Boudoir Changes Lives

"I've Never Felt Truly Beautiful Before" - How Boudoir Changes Lives

How many of you can relate to the feeling of never truly looking in the mirror and being able to say "I'm Beautiful"?  

I have so many amazing women who book their Boudoir Sessions and are completely up front with the fact that they don't like anything they see when they look in the mirror.  Either they have lived most of their lives fighting with their body image, or they've had life changes (becoming a mom, medical issues, stress, illness, etc.) that have...

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"Mrs. A" Shows Us That Even If It Starts As a Gift For a Significant Other, It's Really A Gift for YOU

"Mrs. A" Shows Us That Even If It Starts As a Gift For a Significant Other, It's Really A Gift for YOU

So many of my clients come in for Boudoir Sessions as a gift for someone else, because let's face it, a Boudoir Session is an AWESOME gift...BUT in the end, they all realize that the gift is as much (or more) a gift for THEM.  

I can't tell you how many of my amazing clients have a "reason" for doing a Boudoir Session that doesn't necessarily involve them.  They want to get an incredible Anniversary, Birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. gift for...

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"Mrs. K" Finds Her Confidence in a Body Positive Boudoir Session

"Mrs. K" Finds Her Confidence in a Body Positive Boudoir Session

How many of you have always wanted to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, but simply weren't able to get there? How many of you have always wanted to do something, but just didn't feel like you could justify "spending money on yourself"? 

When I ask women if they've ever thought of doing a Boudoir Session, most answer with a "yes...but"...and the "but" usually has something to do with either not feeling comfortable enough with their...

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"Mrs. B" Shows Us That Sexy Has No Age and Boudoir is For Every Woman

"Mrs. B" Shows Us That Sexy Has No Age and Boudoir is For Every Woman

What words come to mind when you see this amazing woman?  Fierce? Beautiful?  Confident?  Sexy? Empowered?

You would probably have never guessed that she was nervous when she walked into the studio, right?

I know a lot of you out there are thinking, "Wow, I could never do that"!  And you aren't fact most of my clients have thought that very same thing before they actually booked their Sessions.  The gorgeous "Mrs. B" was referred to me...

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Why Boudoir? Build Your Confidence and Ignite Your Inner Goddess

Why Boudoir?  Build Your Confidence and Ignite Your Inner Goddess

Expand Your Confidence, Ignite Your Sexy, Find Your "Fierce" and Feel the Empowerment!

As women we are constantly bombarded with society's idea of who and what we should be.  It starts early, and it follows us through our entire lives.  Eventually, we find ourselves in a place where no matter what we look like, it's not "good enough"...and that's because we don't FEEL the way that we should about ourselves.  A Boudoir Photography Experience has...

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Building Confidence in Yourself Through Boudoir Photography

Building Confidence in Yourself Through Boudoir Photography

Build Your Confidence, Break Down Those Walls, Let Your Inner Goddess Shine!

As a Boudoir Photographer, my number one goal, even above taking amazing photographs of my clients (of course, that's a promise I make and keep to each and every client) is that it's actually my main goal to help women build confidence in themselves so that they feel more empowered in their everyday lives.  Every house needs to start with a good foundation, right?  If that foundation has cracks,...

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What? Boudoir Helps With Breakup Blues?!

What?  Boudoir Helps With Breakup Blues?!

Have You Ever Had a Bad Breakup...or Any Breakup?

Let's face it, all breakups are hard...they hurt, whether you know they were for the best or not.  Many times, breakups can have a profound effect on our self esteem, confidence and even our self worth.  We know we shouldn't feel this way, we know we shouldn't let them effect us, but they do...plain and simple.  So, what's a girl to do to get passed these feelings?  A Boudoir Session, of course!


The Gorgeous...

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Let's Get Real About "Imperfections" and Your Boudoir Session

Let's Get Real About "Imperfections" and Your Boudoir Session

Okay Ladies, Let's Get Real About Our Bodies - Imperfections and How They Don't Matter!

Everyone is nervous before their Boudoir Session, and this is totally natural.  This is uncharted territory for most of us, who are used to only getting down to our "knickers" in front of our significant others.  I get it, trust me!  Do you know what the number one worry ALL my clients have, regardless of if they are 25 years old or 65 years old?  I'll give you one...

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10 Things You Think About Boudoir Photography That Are Completely Wrong - And How I Fix That

10 Things You Think About Boudoir Photography That Are Completely Wrong - And How I Fix That

"Darling, you are amazing just the way you are...let me teach you how to see what I see."


When people ask me what I do for a living, I like to proudly state "I empower women!", because that's exactly what I do.  I may also enjoy saying "I photograph women in thier underwear", because...WHY NOT?  Why is it wrong for a woman to feel confident, classy and sexy all at the same time?  I could talk to you ALL DAY about why I do what I do, and how...

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The 7 "Pro Tips" I Give to Every Boudoir Client

The 7 "Pro Tips" I Give to Every Boudoir Client

"Confidence comes from being prepared."  

~ John Wooden


Okay Ladies, here they are...the 7 tips that I give to every Boudoir Client before their session.  Helping you prepare for your amazing, empowering and life changing Boudoir Session is one of my favorite things to do.  When you book with me, you aren't just getting a photography session - ask any of my amazing clients and they will tell you that I LOVE to send a barrage of emails to them prior to their ...

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Five Reasons NOT to Wait to Have A Boudoir Session

Five Reasons NOT to Wait to Have A Boudoir Session


In a society where we are constantly bombarded with "media" that tells us, as women, that we need to be "better" or "more" on an almost daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us women (me included) go through periods of not loving our appearances, and even ourselves.  As a Boudoir Photographer, I naturally see the unique beauty in all women, and it breaks my heart when I have women contact me and say that they would LOVE to have a Boudoir...

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Boudoir Photography and Reclaiming Your Inner Goddess



Boudoir Photography has been around for a long time, and it's only growing in popularity as women seek and learn to empower themselves, gain confidence, and reclaim their bodies and their sensuality.  We are living in a world where women are realizing just how powerful they are, but there is also still a lingering sense that a woman who does something empowering for herself, spends money on herself, gives herself the gift of a truly unique experience that is all her own, etc. is...

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Why a Boudoir Session? - It's More Than "Good Pictures"


image"I wish I could do that", "I wish I would have done that when I was younger", "I would love to do that if I could just lose some weight first"...  These are all things I hear women say ALL the time when it comes to having a Boudoir Session.  Guys, it literally breaks my heart!  I want to scoop up every one of these absolutely gorgeous women and get them into the studio to show them that they don't need to do ANYTHING except be themselves and ...

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Beauty is Ageless - Boudoir is for EVERY Woman



One of the things I hear WAY too often as a Boudoir Photographer from perspective clients is "I'm too old to do a Boudoir Session".  This is probably one of the things that I hate the most about what society has told us as women...that when we reach a certain age we're "past our expiration date" to be sexy or celebrate our bodies and beauty.  The reason I hate this so much is that I know it to be completely false.  I can see in my clients the...

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The Gorgeous "Miss A" and Her Amazing Smile



When "Miss A" walked into the studio, I knew right away that she had an amazing personality.  Her smile was infectious, and that absolutley showed in her final photographs.  Like so many women, Miss A had some body image issues, and because my mission is to empower and instill confidence in all of the ladies who choose me as their San Luis Obispo Boudoir Photographer, I was absolutely ready to show this gorgeous woman how feirce that she truly was.  After going over her ...

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The Beautiful "Miss A" and A Lesson on Boudoir Style



One of the most common questions I get when it comes to Boudoir Photography Sessions is "What do I wear?".  That's usually followed by something along the lines of "I have nothing to wear" or "I'm not sure I'm a 'lingerie girl'".  I'm here to tell you that you don't have to be a "lingerie girl" to completely ROCK a Boudoir Session.  "Miss A" came into the studio with a lot of great choices, including...

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The Elegant "Mrs. D" - A Beautiful Creative




One of the things I love most about Boudoir Photography is that no two women are alike, and yet we all share so many incredible similarities.  We all want to feel beautiful, confident, fierce and..."enough".  When the elegant "Mrs. D" came in for her Boudoir Session, I knew immediately that she and I were going to get along fabulously.  She is a creative with a spunky and quirky flair, but she also exudes a classic elegance that truly makes her...

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