One of the things I hear WAY too often as a Boudoir Photographer from perspective clients is "I'm too old to do a Boudoir Session". This is probably one of the things that I hate the most about what society has told us as women...that when we reach a certain age we're "past our expiration date" to be sexy or celebrate our bodies and beauty. The reason I hate this so much is that I know it to be completely false. I can see in my clients the absolutely FIERCE and STRONG, incredibly GORGEOUS and BOLD, beings that they truly are, even if they can't see it themselves. Women in their 60's, 50's and even 40's will say that they're "too old to be sexy" and I've made it my mission to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that AGE IS JUST A NUMBER - it means absolutley nothing except that you've been on this earth long enough to celebrate without reservation or hesitation the absolutely incredible beings that you are. We need to throw out the notions that at a certain age it's no longer acceptable to celebrate your body and your beauty, because it can absolutley be done with class, grace, elegance and the highest of taste levels. The art of Boudoir Photography is for EVERY woman!
"Mrs. S" came in for her Boudoir Session and was probably one of the most naturally beautiful women I've had the pleasure of photographing. She just had that twinkle in her eye and that glow about her that said she knew her body. Like most of my clients, she had hesitations and nerves - she wasn't comfortable with certain parts of her body, wasn't sure she could be sexy in front of the camera, didn't know if her session was going to be a success or a win for her. These things all made me want to show her even more that she IS a GODDESS and she absolutely looks like one. When she stepped out of hair and makeup, I knew that she felt a little more in the groove, and when we started working together everything came absolutely naturally. We laughed, giggled, spoke about serious topics and strength; we had an incredible time just being ladies together as I photographed. Now, a lady never gives her age (even though this particular lady should be shouting hers from the rooftops), so I won't give her age either, but I can tell you that during her session, we chatted about not only her children, but also her grandchildren. Yes, she's a grandma, and she's still got it because she never lost it. No women "loses it", she just forgets sometimes.
Needless to say, when "Mrs. S" saw her photos during her reveal session just after her shoot, she was pretty blown away. I knew she was going to look gorgeous and incredible, but seeing the look on her face when we went through ALL of the amazing photographs from the session was a much a gift to me as it was to her. I was SO incredibly happy that I could show this "grandmother" that she was, indeed, a beautiful creature worth celebrating. She is going to have her album forever to look back on to remind herself that she's a FIERCE woman with undeniable beauty. Here's to you, "Mrs. S" for showing all of the other women out there who doubt themselves because of a "number", that they need to give themselves the gift of seeing themselves in a different light.
Beachfront Boudoir by Mirror's Edge Photography is a Boutique Luxury Boudoir Photography Studio located just blocks from the beach in Oceano, California. My mission as a Boudoir Photographer is to show as many women in the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and beyond), regardless of age, body type or life circumstance, that they are gorgeous, powerful, vibrant and deserving of an experience that will give them the confidence they deserve – while also giving them a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Through the unique art of Boudoir Photography, my goal is to empower women and give them the confidence that they need to feel like a goddess every single day! Book your session today!