Smiling in Boudoir Photography??? YES! And here's why...
When you come in for your Boudoir Photography Session, you're going to get posing instruction from head to toe, and part of that is helping you tap into a range of emotions for each pose (that means you never have to worry about not being able to make the "sexy face"). One of the expressions that we go over in detail is how to "smile"! Many of my clients question the idea of a "smile" in a Boudoir setting, util, of course, I explain to them why smiles are so important.
Let's look at some of the most iconic images in art history, from the "Mona Lisa" to "Marilyn Monroe" standing over a subway grate in New York City - we're drawn to these pieces of art not just because they are beautiful, but because the women in them were smiling! Psycholgically, when you see someone smiling, you assume they are confident, joyous, vibrant and FUN. These are all things that we want you to EXUDE during your Boudoir Session!

Whether you're in the studio strictly to have a life changing body love experience for YOURSELF, or you're creating a special gift for your Significant Other, when you smile, you're saying "I've got this, and I'm feeling absolutely amazing"! Sometimes I will coach you into the perfect smile, and other times, they just happen - because one thing you can be absolutely sure of is that we're going to be having fun during your Session. Either way, these images say something about you and the "Inner Goddess" you are unleashing!

Possibly the most important part about choosing a Boudoir Photographer is being comfortable with them as a person - let's face it, this is an intimate thing. I have designed my studio so that it is 100% female owned and operated, and it's absolutely a safe space for you to "let your hair down", so to speak, and tap in to all the things that make you feel good and confident about yourself. Without confidence, there certainly won't be any smiles, or if there are, they're going to look like the ones in your high school yearbook photograph where you're trying desperately to "look happy". In the Beachfront Boudoir Studio, you don't have to try to look happy, because you're simply going to BE happy!

And yes, don't worry, smiling is absolutey SEXY. What's the number one thing your partner wants to know when you're in the "bedroom"? That you're having a good time, enjoying yourself and that you're feeling good, right? Well, that's exactly what your Boudoir Photographs are going to show!
So, whether it's the "Mona Lisa", "Marilyn Monroe" standing over a subway grate, or YOU in your Boudoir Session feeling 100% confident, happy and absolutely FIERCE, a smile or two will bring everything full circle. Trust me, you're not going to have to try that hard, because with me coaching you, things are going to happen naturally. Give it a try, what have you got to lose???
Beachfront Boudoir by Mirror's Edge Photography is a Boutique Luxury Boudoir Photography Studio located just blocks from the beach in Oceano, California. My mission as a Boudoir Photographer is to show as many women in the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and beyond), regardless of age, body type or life circumstance, that they are gorgeous, powerful, vibrant and deserving of an experience that will give them the confidence they deserve – while also giving them a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Through the unique art of Boudoir Photography, my goal is to empower women and give them the confidence that they need to feel like a goddess every single day! Book your session today!