"I wish I could do that", "I wish I would have done that when I was younger", "I would love to do that if I could just lose some weight first"... These are all things I hear women say ALL the time when it comes to having a Boudoir Session. Guys, it literally breaks my heart! I want to scoop up every one of these absolutely gorgeous women and get them into the studio to show them that they don't need to do ANYTHING except be themselves and they will be absolutley blown away by the results, and I'm not just talking about the final images, but the entire experience that is so much more... It's absolutey an experience that can change the way that you look at yourself, the way that you love yourself, the way that you SEE yourself and feel about yourself - in today's world, this is what so many of us, as women, truly need.
So, why a Boudoir Session?

As women, we so often have this picture in our heads of what we "should" look like or act like - who we should be in order to be "perfect". We compare ourselves to other women, whether it's the pretty girl we see across the restaurant or women we see in movies or in magazines. We wonder why we weren't "blessed" with more of this or less of that, and we stare at ourselves in the mirror picking apart every little detail - every laugh line, wrinkle, stretch mark, scar, bit of loose skin, etc. We think "If only I didn't have this" I would be beautiful, or "If only I had this" I would be so much happier. The crazy thing that we don't realize is that OTHER women are also comparing themselves to US! It's true, ladies! This is something we're all in together, and it happens to all of us, because we don't know how to embrace and love exactly who we are.
A photograph is a lot like a mirror, but it's a mirror that someone else - your photographer - is holding up for you so that you can see what you really look like. It's your photographer's job to show you that all of those little things you worry so much about don't matter, you ARE beautiful just the way that you are. Don't let the idea that you need to lose a few pounds, that you're too old, that you have some lines or scars or that you don't "feel sexy" stop you from embracing an experience that is exactly the mirror you should be looking into.

As women, we are nurturing creatures by nature, but all too often we nurture everything except ourselves. We run ourselves ragged taking care of our families, our careers, our homes, our day to day existences. We forget that this nurturing quality is something we need to give back to ourselves as much as we give to other people. Because if we are constantly pouring out our cups and not refilling them, eventually we're going to run dry and be empty. In order to love others better we need to learn to love ourselves and DO for ourselves.
When we do actually "treat" ourselves, it's usually with trivial things that really don't last or have an impact on how we feel in the long term. We spend so much time in our daily routines that we can't imagine fitting something crazy, spontaneous and daring into our lives. We tell ourselves that being pampered, playing dress up, being in the spotlight, and investing in ourselves is selfish...so we don't do it.
I'm here to tell you that you ARE worth it. A Boudoir Photography Session is exactly the type of nurturing and self care, the type of investment, that will have more than a momentary impact on your life. This is something that will recharge you, and maybe even hit the reset button on the way that you feel about yourself. It's breaking the daily routine, it's giving yourself that moment to shine that you SO MUCH deserve, and it's an affirmation to yourself that you are enough and you deserve to be nurtured and to feel sexy, beautiful and confident.

I've always been one to go for "experiences" over "stuff". Sure, having things is nice, and things can make us happy and feel good, but in 10 years are we going to remember that cute purse we splurged on or are we going to remember the time we jumped into the car and drove up the coast just to see that hidden waterfall everyone was talking about? Experiences and adventures are what make life special and memorable - they're the things we're going to think back on and say "Wow, I'm so glad I did that".
I'm a big believer in "doing it, not thinking it". If you love watching the Travel Channel and dreaming of all the places you want to go...figure out a way to make it happen! If you love watching shows about remodeling houses, then dive in to projects around your own house! If you've always wished you could feel like a sexy and beautiful model or star, then book yourself a Boudoir Session!
In 10 years, this is an experience you will definitely look back and remember, and the great thing about a Boudoir Session is that you'll have the amazing photographs that you can look at to remind yourself of that time you threw caution to the wind, spent a day being pampered with hair and makeup, playing dress up and being made to look and feel like a star!

It doesn't matter how "put together" we seem like to other people, or even how well we feel that we hold things together, we all need a confidence boost every once in a while. The important thing is choosing something that will elevate our confidence not just for a day, but for as long as possible. The thing that I hear most often from my clients is that after they have thier Boudoir Sessions, they feel empowered, revitalized and confident, not just for that day, but every single time they look at their photographs. If they're having a "down moment", all they have to do is pull out their album or look up on their wall and they feel that energy and empowerment all over again.
We all deserve a confidence boost. We all deserve to feel beautiful, sexy, fierce and ALIVE. You deserve to have a photographer who will take the time to get to know you, understand your worries as much as the things that make you feel fierce, and to delicately and artistically create images that will make you say "Wow, I'm pretty damned amazing" every single time you look at them.
Beachfront Boudoir by Mirror's Edge Photography is a Boutique Luxury Boudoir Photography Studio located just blocks from the beach in Oceano, California. My mission as a Boudoir Photographer is to show as many women in the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and beyond), regardless of age, body type or life circumstance, that they are gorgeous, powerful, vibrant and deserving of an experience that will give them the confidence they deserve – while also giving them a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Through the unique art of Boudoir Photography, my goal is to empower women and give them the confidence that they need to feel like a goddess every single day! Book your session today!