"Darling, you are amazing just the way you are...let me teach you how to see what I see."
When people ask me what I do for a living, I like to proudly state "I empower women!", because that's exactly what I do. I may also enjoy saying "I photograph women in thier underwear", because...WHY NOT? Why is it wrong for a woman to feel confident, classy and sexy all at the same time? I could talk to you ALL DAY about why I do what I do, and how I've been able to change the way that so many Central Coast women, from Santa Barbara to San Luis Obispo and beyond, see themselves. In a world where body positivity is on the rise, but still has a long way to go, I'm doing everything that I can in our community to show women that there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel and look beautiful; there's nothing wrong with getting into your favorite knickers and falling in love with yourself as a woman all over again (or maybe for the first time). But, instead of talking about all of the things that Boudoir IS and CAN DO for you, let's talk about ten things that you might think about Boudoir Photography that are WRONG and how I fix that.
1. I'm Not a Victoria's Secret Model
That's GREAT! You might be surprised to know that 99.9% of my clients are NOT models. I photograph real women, just like you and me, and make them LOOK like models. Have I worked with professional models? Of course I have. But do you want to know a secret? I have ten times more fun working with women who have never had a Boudoir Session or even been in front of the camera for professional photos except for maybe a family portrait or wedding photographs. Why? Because REAL is so much more powerful and beautiful!
2. I'm Too Chubby For a Boudoir Session
Really? By what standards? Define "chubby". Weight is different for everyone. Some of us are curvy and some of us aren't. I'll let you in on a little secret...women who don't have "curves" usually want them...desperately! Some women even pay to make thier bodies more curvy, and you have it naturally! That sounds like a win to me. Another little secret... When it comes to Boudoir Photography, it's actually easier to pose women who have some curves!
3. I'm Too Shy to Do a Boudoir Session
Let's just get this out there in the open...EVERYONE is nervous about having a Boudoir Session. BUT, the good news is that it's my job to make you feel comfortable, safe and beautiful, and I'm really good at doing that (I've venture to say that's my SPECIALTY). I will start by making you feel amazing in the skin that you are in, and I will draw you out of whatever shell that you have been hiding in while helping to break down any walls that you've built up around your body image, appearance, etc. It's natural to be afraid, but I challenge you to channel that fear into bravery. If you can make that first step and book your session, I PROMISE that I will carry you through the experience from there. When you've done it, you are going to be SO glad that you did!

4. I'm Too Old to Do a Boudoir Session
Um...no you aren't! There is no age limit on beauty, Darling. Some of the most beautiful women in the world are in their 50's, 60's and even 70's. They are women who have lived full lives, experienced things, gotten through things, and this is just another amazing part of your journey. You are NEVER too old to feel appreciated, worthy, empowered, confident, and, yes, I'm going to say it...SEXY. Who says that you have to lose your "sexy" at a certain age??? I'm certainly not planning to do that, and I don't want you to do that either. Celebrate milestones, be PROUD of how far you've come, and realize that even though you may not have the body of a 20 year old, you have the benefit of having the LIFE of a woman who has truly lived. I want to mention that I've worked with countless women in their 60's, and I've even worked with women in their 70's...their photographs turned out just as amazing as those of my 20-something or 30-something clients. Trust me!
5. But My Portraits Will End Up All Over the Internet and Everyone Will See Them
No, Ma'am, this isn't the case! Your privacy and comfort are my number one concerns. Of course I LOVE when my amazing clients allow me to share their photographs, because it shows other women just how incredible this experience truly is, and it's just another way of showing empowerment. BUT, and let me make this VERY CLEAR, whether or not your photographs are shared is COMPLETELY up to you. When you sign you sign your contract, before you even leave my studio, you make the decision if you are comfortable with me sharing your images - if you aren't comfortable at all, they stay 100% private, if you're comfortable with only the other women in my Private Facebook Group seeing them, then that's the only place they will be shared. You have COMPLETE CONTROL. I have worked with very high profile clients, including celebrities, models, city officials, law enforcement, teachers, nurses, doctors, you name it, and many of those Ladies prefer their privacy, so we keep everything 100% private!
6. I Need to Lose Weight Before I Even Think About Doint a Boudoir Session
No, you don't, Beautiful! If you're always chasing your "ideal weight" you're going to be running forever, because once you get to one point you're going to want to get to another, and then maybe you'll realize that you're thinner, but now other parts of your body don't look as good to you. It's a viscious cycle, my dear. The thought in your head that says "I need to lose 10 pounds before I do this" is just another way of saying "I'm not happy with what I look like", and THAT is exactly what this Session is going to change. I'm going to make you feel GORGEOUS just the way that you are - thin, short, tall, curvy, top-heavy, bottom-heavy, flat, round, whatever YOU ARE is perfect for YOU. Let me show you how to fall in love with who you are RIGHT NOW.

7. I Would Never Hang a Boudoir Photograph on My Wall
Really? Okay, but what about a beautiful close up that highlights your face and eyes? You may not want to hang a canvas that shows your FINE SELF in the foyer, but what about in your master bedroom or bathroom, or what about your walk in closet? What about hanging a Watercolor Transformation image that looks like a slightly abstract and GORGEOUS art version of yourself? And if you're still not convinced, you have your album to keep in your nightstand, right? But seriously, think about it...how amazing would you feel to walk by a beauty portrait of yourself that shows nothing explicit each and every day to remember how truly FINE you are? I think that would be an awesome daily confidence boost, don't you?
8. My Friends and Family Won't Approve of Me Doing a Boudoir Session
That's okay, because this is for YOU. There are a lot of things that your friends and family aren't going to approve of, but you don't live your life for them, right? And let's break down this notion a bit... Your friends and family don't approve of you feeling beautiful, confident, empowered and in love with yourself as a woman? That's truly hard to believe. Likely these people have the wrong impressions of what a Boudoir Session truly is, because it's not Pornography, it's you going only as far as you are comfortable and looking classy and feeling confident. Let me just say this...I REFUSE TO TAKE TRASHY PHOTOGRAPHS. So, you can rest assured that any photograph of you, whether you're covered from toe to neck or completely bare underneath a sheet is going to look classy and show only how gorgeous and empowered you are. Lastly...who you share this with is up to YOU, because this is all about YOU.
9. I'm Not Photogenic
It sounds like you just haven't been in front of the right photographer, because there is no such thing as "not photogenic". There is "not properly posed", "not properly prepared", "not properly lit", "not properly placed in the set or surroundings"...but there is no such thing as just not being photogenic. You haven't been in front of the right camera yet...MY camera. Let's fix this!
10. I Should Shop Around For the Best Deal For Boudoir Portraits
You could do that...and you could also end up paying good money for an experience or photographs that make you feel WORSE than you did when you walked into a studio. Trust me, I've heard countless stories from clients who have gone the "bargain route" and ended up feeling terrible about the way they looked and then just closeted the entire idea until they found me and decided to give it "one more try". Your most intimate moments should never FEEL like a bargain. And the honest truth here...you get what you pay for when it comes to this type of photography. Sure, you could pay just about anyone to snap some photographs of your in your undies, BUT when you come to me you are getting a photographer who has dedicated their career to learning all of the way to light, pose, teach, instill confidence and provide the best possible experience with the best possible results. You're getting the BEST of the BEST in hair and makeup. You're getting a photographer who has had YEARS of SPECIALIZED TRAINING in Boudoir Photography. You're getting a photographer who has paid for an education on exactly how to do this the RIGHT WAY. You're getting a once in a lifetime experience with someone who provides once in a lifetime experiences for a living - full time, all in, completely dedicated to YOU.

Have I Cleared Anything Up For You?
Are you ready to take the leap and give yourself a gift that you will never forget? Are you ready to feel more confident, empowered, brave, and beautiful than you ever have before? If you are, then there's only one this left to do...BOOK YOUR SESSION NOW!
Beachfront Boudoir by Mirror's Edge Photography is a Boutique Luxury Boudoir Photography Studio located just blocks from the beach in Oceano, California. My mission as a Boudoir Photographer is to show as many women in the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and beyond), regardless of age, body type or life circumstance, that they are gorgeous, powerful, vibrant and deserving of an experience that will give them the confidence they deserve – while also giving them a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Through the unique art of Boudoir Photography, my goal is to empower women and give them the confidence that they need to feel like a goddess every single day! Book your session today!