Build Your Confidence, Break Down Those Walls, Let Your Inner Goddess Shine!
As a Boudoir Photographer, my number one goal, even above taking amazing photographs of my clients (of course, that's a promise I make and keep to each and every client) is that it's actually my main goal to help women build confidence in themselves so that they feel more empowered in their everyday lives. Every house needs to start with a good foundation, right? If that foundation has cracks, you'll see those "cracks" manifested throughout the entire's no different with intimate photography. A Boudoir Session will help to build a solid foundation of confidence, empowerment and self worth that can be built upon no matter what happens after your Session.
Personally, I began my journey as a Boudoir Photographer from a place of needing to build my own confidence. I have never been a 100% confident person, and certain things happened in my life that broke down what little confidence I had managed to attain. When I began my year long journey in training to be a Certified Boudoir Photographer, I did so out of a place of wanting to help other women achieve what I was lacking...and to my surprise, in working to help other women feel more confident and empowered, I too started to feel that way! If I've learned anything at all as a Boudoir Photographer, it's that you feel soooo much better about yourself when you can look in the mirror every morning and say "Damn, I'm an amazing woman!"

This is about challenging yourself to try something new. It's about stepping outside of your comfort zone and truly being vulnerable enough to become best friends with your Inner Goddess - she's in there, Ladies, you just have to learn how to call her out and let her shine. I've heard some people say that having a Boudoir Session, that spending money on amazing photographs of yourself is "Vanity", but I'm the first to step up and say "NO, it's actually SANITY"! I've had countless clients break down into tears when they see thier photographs, and I'm just talking about the unedited and unpolished images on the back of my camera! It's like I can see that lightbulb finally go off inside of them...they're beaming, they're effected, they're growing, they're realizing that they are ENOUGH and that they are WORTH IT.

If you look at the most successful people in the world, they all seem to have one thing in common...they have a certain knack for overcoming fear. They may have been afraid to put themselves out there and take risks, but they did it anyway. These people aren't afraid to put themselves out there; they aren't afraid to take chances even if that means that they might fail because they realize that the most important thing in life is facing challenges and growing from those challenges. That's confidence, Ladies.

So how does a Boudoir Session help you to be a more successful person - in life, relationships, business, etc.? It's the jumping off point; it's that place where you let down your guard, where you accept the challenge of truly baring your soul and you meet that challenge head on. It's about choosing someone you can trust to help coax that confidence out of you so that when you come out on the other side, you're a more empowered woman! I promise you that all it takes is starting somewhere...and there's no better place to start than in the Boudoir Photography Studio where someone who has been where you are, who knows what it's like to be a woman and face the challenges we face every single day, can guide you toward opening up, not being afraid to shine and embracing exactly who you are!

So, if you can summon the courage to book a Boudoir Session and walk through my studio door, I will PROMISE you that you have taken one of the first and most important steps to being a more confident woman. I'm there to help you succeed, and if you trust me, that's exactly what I will do. You already have what it takes, you just have to allow me to show you what you already have.
So, LET'S DO THIS! Book Your Boudoir Session Today!
Beachfront Boudoir by Mirror's Edge Photography is a Boutique Luxury Boudoir Photography Studio located just blocks from the beach in Oceano, California. My mission as a Boudoir Photographer is to show as many women in the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and beyond), regardless of age, body type or life circumstance, that they are gorgeous, powerful, vibrant and deserving of an experience that will give them the confidence they deserve – while also giving them a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Through the unique art of Boudoir Photography, my goal is to empower women and give them the confidence that they need to feel like a goddess every single day! Book your session today!