In a society where we are constantly bombarded with "media" that tells us, as women, that we need to be "better" or "more" on an almost daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us women (me included) go through periods of not loving our appearances, and even ourselves. As a Boudoir Photographer, I naturally see the unique beauty in all women, and it breaks my heart when I have women contact me and say that they would LOVE to have a Boudoir Session, but they want to wait until they "lose a few pounds", "spend a month in the gym", or that they just can't see themselves having one at all because they don't love their "look". For me, this is the challenge, and also the ultimate reward, in showing ALL women that they are indeed beautiful Goddesses just as they are RIGHT NOW.
So...why should you NOT WAIT to have a Boudoir Session? Why is NOW the perfect time to jump in and unleash your inner Goddess?
1. You are Beautiful Just the Way That You Are
I know, you've probably heard this a million times, and you've probably shrugged it off just as many times. Why? Because we're conditioned to not believe what people tell us because they "are probably just being nice". No matter what we "hear", so many of us look in the mirror and just don't "see" the true manifestation of our beauty. But I'm here to tell you, one more time, that you are beautiful just the way that you are and it's important that you start to believe it to. A Boudoir Session is the perfect thing to jump start this belief.
2. Our Bodies Will Always Change
Our bodies are always changing. What we look like today isn't what we looked like last year, or five years ago, or even twenty years ago. Each stage of our life is a blessing - each scar, stretch mark, wrinkle, line, etc. is a badge of honor of sorts. If you've gained a little weight or a few stretch marks because you've had kids, that's a beautiful thing! If you've lost weight because you wanted to make a change in your life, that's a beautiful thing! The way that you look today should be celebrated, just as the way that you look in a year or five years from now should also be celebrated. Our bodies are with us for life, and we have to love them for life.
3. Body Love Starts With You
There is little worse than having a bad body image. Whether it's because of some trauma that we've faced, a comment we took too much to heart, constantly comparing ourseleves to others, etc., the way that we see our bodies and our beauty can either be what gives us confidence or makes us shrink into the shadows. I see it all the time with my many come into the studio with rounded shoulders, nervous eyes, and I can just tell they are trying to "hide", and when I see them walk out of the studio after seeing thier incredible images, their shoulders are back, they are glowing from the inside, and the confidence is radiating like an inner light! They've started the journey toward loving themselves, and you should too!

4. There is No One Out There Like You - Celebrate That
Isn't it an amazing thing that we are all so different? The differences are what make us beautiful. As women we so often go through life wishing that we "had her hair" or "had her body", and what we don't realize is that other women are thinking the very same things about us! I see this all the time... My more "slightly built" clients are worried they won't be able to look sexy in their photos because they don't have "curves", my more "curvy" clients want to hide their curves and think they would look sexier if they didn't have them. We need to start looking in the mirror, seeing who we are and what we have, and LOVING IT. The BEST place to start this is with a Boudoir Session where you can truly be free to express yourself, unleash your inner Goddess and experience something completely transformative in a safe and comfortable space.
5. If You Don't Invest in Yourself, No One Else Will
You've probably heard the phrase "you teach people how to treat you", right? Well, it's absolutley true. If you don't give yourself the opportunity or permission to invest in yourself, then no one else is going to think you're worth it either. As women we will go through our lives investing in everyone but ourselves - our kids, our partners, our families, parents, even strangers, but when it comes to doing something amazing for ourselves we feel "selfish". Why is that? Why is it selfish to say "I'm worth feeling beautiful and having confidence. I'm worth loving!"? We have to start the empowerment process, and a Boudoir Session will absolutley do that, and then some!
It's time that we ALL reclaim our inner Goddess. It's time that we all allow ourselves to feel beautiful without making excuses. It's time that we all embrace the fact that, as women, we are all exceptional and we all have a story to tell. Boudoir Photography can do this, and that's why it's such a powerful tool.
Beachfront Boudoir by Mirror's Edge Photography is a Boutique Luxury Boudoir Photography Studio located just blocks from the beach in Oceano, California. My mission as a Boudoir Photographer is to show as many women in the San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and beyond), regardless of age, body type or life circumstance, that they are gorgeous, powerful, vibrant and deserving of an experience that will give them the confidence they deserve – while also giving them a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Through the unique art of Boudoir Photography, my goal is to empower women and give them the confidence that they need to feel like a goddess every single day! Book your session today!