About Sarah
Wedding Blog
Beachfront Boudoir
Abstract and Art
Abstract, macro, close-up and artistic photography
A Wonderful World
Landscapes, Sunsets, Seascapes and Nature Scenes
Autumn Elegance
A select group of Autumn images to give you that cozy, pumpkin spiced coffee, changing of the seasons feeling.
Bits of Life
Images of the World We Live In
Crystal Ball Photography
Experimental, artistic photography with crystal balls.
Floral Fixation
Celebrating the beauty of flowers, trees, and growing things in California and beyond
It's a Small World
Macro and Close-up Florals
Life With Lensbaby
Opening a whole new world of photography with the incredible Lensbaby Equiptment
The Art-ificial Series
A conceptual series of images featuring "Artie". The world is a magical place.